Results for 'S. -H. Choi'

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  1. What is a Dispositional Masker?S. Choi - 2011 - Mind 120 (480):1159-1171.
    Manley and Wasserman criticize the conditional analysis of dispositions, arguing that whilst it invites the ‘strategy of getting specific’, this strategy creates more problems than it solves. I show that their understanding both of the phenomenon of masking and also of the strategy of getting specific is deeply defective, which wreaks havoc with their principal critique of the conditional analysis of dispositions.
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    T︠S︡ėt︠s︡ėn tėnėgiĭn sudryn taĭlbar.Choĭzhavyn Luvsansodovzhamt︠s︡ - 2018 - Ulaanbaatar Khot: "Soëmbo Printing" KhKhK-d khėvlėv. Edited by T. Bulgan & Zh Lkhagvadėmchig.
    Commentary on the famous Buddhist Sutra of the wise and the foolish (Mdzangs blun zhes bya baʼi mdo).
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  3. Barsalou, LW, 231.L. Bosch, S. F. Cappa, N. Chater, I. Choi, J. Dalery, E. Daprati, N. Franck, D. Gentner, N. Georgieff & R. L. Goldstone - 1998 - Cognition 65:301.
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    Thermomechanical response of an Ni–Ti–Cr shape-memory alloy at low and high strain rates.S. Nemat-Nasser & J. Y. Choi - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (9):1173-1187.
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    Review: Bayesian Nets and Causality: Philosophical and Computational Foundations. [REVIEW]S. Choi - 2006 - Mind 115 (458):502-506.
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    Editorial: Acquisition of Clause Chaining.Hannah S. Sarvasy & Soonja Choi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Beyond the Two-Clause Sentence: Acquisition of Clause Chaining in Six Languages.Hannah S. Sarvasy & Soonja Choi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  8. Dispositional properties and counterfactual conditionals.Sungho Choi - 2008 - Mind 117 (468):795-841.
    For the last several decades, dispositional properties have been one of the main topics in metaphysics. Still, however, there is little agreement among contemporary metaphysicians on the nature of dispositional properties. Apparently, though, the majority of them have reached the consensus that dispositional ascriptions cannot be analysed in terms of simple counterfactual conditionals. In this paper it will be brought to light that this consensus is wrong. Specifically, I will argue that the simple conditional analysis of dispositions, which is generally (...)
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    A population response model of ensemble perception.Igor S. Utochkin, Jeunghwan Choi & Sang Chul Chong - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (1):36-57.
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  10. Beyond the naturalistic worldview.Hyung S. Choi - 2001 - In Hyung S. Choi, David F. Siemens & Shirley E. Williams, Naturalism: its impact on science, religion and literature. Phoenix, Ariz.: Canyon Institute for Advanced Studies.
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    Modelling plasticity of Ni3Al-based L12intermetallic single crystals. II. Two-step deformation behaviour.Y. S. Choi, D. M. Dimiduk, M. D. Uchic & T. A. Parthasarathy - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (30):4759-4775.
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    Naturalism: its impact on science, religion and literature.Hyung S. Choi, David F. Siemens & Shirley E. Williams (eds.) - 2001 - Phoenix, Ariz.: Canyon Institute for Advanced Studies.
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    Nanoscale planar field projections of atomic decohesion and slip in crystalline solids. Part I. A crack-tip cohesive zone.S. T. Choi & K. -S. Kim - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (12):1889-1919.
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  14. Improving Bird's antidotes.Sungho Choi - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (4):573 – 580.
    In this paper I will first consider Bird's cases against the conditional analysis of dispositions and defend them from Gundersen's objection. This does not mean that I believe that Bird's cases are successful. To the contrary, I take it that we can save the conditional analysis from Bird's cases by taking Lewis's two-step approach to dispositions. However, I will go on to argue that if Bird's cases are supplemented with the assumption that dispositions are intrinsic matter, they are able to (...)
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  15. Mengzi’s Maxim for Righteousness in Mengzi 2A2.Dobin Choi - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (3):371-391.
    In this essay, I argue that in Mengzi 2A2 Mengzi 孟子 proposes his method for cultivating righteousness by showing that on the way of achieving yi, such topics as the unperturbed hearts, cultivating courage, Gaozi’s 告子 maxim, and the flood-like qi 氣 ultimately converge. Toward this aim, first, I argue that Mengzi’s short remark “bi you shi yan er wu zheng, xin wu wang, wu zhu zhang 必有事焉而勿正, 心勿忘, 勿助長” can be read as his maxim for achieving yi that structurally (...)
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    CEO’s Childhood Experience of Natural Disaster and CSR Activities.Daewoung Choi, Hyunju Shin & Kyoungmi Kim - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (2):281-306.
    Interest in the drivers of firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) is growing. However, little is known about the influence of a CEO’s childhood experience of natural disasters on CSR. Using archival data, we explore this relationship by offering three mechanisms that may account for how the CEO’s childhood experience of natural disaster is related to their CSR. More specifically, while prior research has established a positive relationship based on the post-traumatic growth theory, we show that the dual mechanisms of prosocial (...)
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  17. Yu Kil-chun’s Moral Idea of Civilization and Project to Make All People Gentlemen.Yeonsik Choi - 2014 - Asian Philosophy 24 (2):103-120.
    Yu Kil-chun (1856–1914) was a pioneering theorist in Korea’s Patriotic Enlightenment Movement. Through works such as Sŏyu kyŏnmun, he proposed a new path for the development of Korean civilization. Yu’s encounter with Pak Kyu-su in his early years prompted his interest in Western civilization. He soon decided to study abroad and experience the Japanese and American civilizations first-hand. Based on his experiences, Yu proposed a general blueprint for political reform during the Kabo Reform of 1894. In 1908, he initiated a (...)
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  18. Environmental and Economic Dimensions of Sustainability and Price Effects on Consumer Responses.Sungchul Choi & Alex Ng - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (2):269-282.
    The lack of attention to sustainability, as a concept with multiple dimensions, has presented a developmental gap in green marketing literature, sustainability, and marketing literature for decades. Based on the established premise of customer–corporate (C–C) identification, in which consumers respond favorably to companies with corporate social responsibility initiatives that they identify with, we propose that consumers would respond similarly to companies with sustainability initiatives. We postulate that consumers care about protecting and preserving favorable economic environments (an economic dimension of sustainability) (...)
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  19. Is Petitionary Prayer Superfluous?Isaac Choi - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 7:32-62.
    Why would God institute the practice of efficacious petitionary prayer? Why would God not simply give us what we need before we ask? I examine recently proposed solutions to this puzzle and argue that they are inadequate to explain why an omniscient and perfectly good God would act differently in response to prayer. I propose that God has reasons to not always maximize a creature’s good, even in a sinless world, and that petitionary prayer functions as a means to reward (...)
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    Reconsideration on Goun Choi Chi-won’s Life-A few significant scenes in his life.Young-Sung Choi - 2016 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 51:9-43.
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  21. Revisiting Kant's Ethics: Two Challenges to the Status Quo.Yoon Choi - 2008 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 5 (1):137-149.
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    Philosophy as Rigorous Regional Studies.Kyeong-Seop Choi - 2007 - Idealistic Studies 37 (3):203-218.
    The present paper traces the trajectory of the development of Husserl’s phenomenology from its incipient eidetic phase over the transcendental to the lifeworld-phenomenological, and ascertains that, in spite of all their complexities, the idea of Zu den Sachen selbst is the very objective of all those ‘phenomenological’ investigations. The search after the ‘immediately given’ (Vorgegebenheiten) finally discovers that the concrete cultural life-worlds are the authentically ‘immediately pre-given’ and all kinds of knowledge and sciences (higher cultural configurations) are nothing but idealizations (...)
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    Modelling plasticity of Ni3Al-based L12intermetallic single crystals. I. Anomalous temperature dependence of the flow behaviour§. [REVIEW]Y. S. Choi, D. M. Dimiduk, M. D. Uchic & T. A. Parthasarathy - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (12):1939-1965.
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  24. Phenomenology without'phenomenon'-Ernst Cassirer's case.Kyeong-Seop Choi - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (3):262-274.
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    A Research on The Yul- Gok's Thought about Death and Life.Choi Il Beom - 2010 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 64:41-63.
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  26. The trustworthiness of AI: Comments on Simion and Kelp’s account.Dong-Yong Choi - 2023 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):1-9.
    Simion and Kelp explain the trustworthiness of an AI based on that AI’s disposition to meet its obligations. Roughly speaking, according to Simion and Kelp, an AI is trustworthy regarding its task if and only if that AI is obliged to complete the task and its disposition to complete the task is strong enough. Furthermore, an AI is obliged to complete a task in the case where the task is the AI’s etiological function or design function. This account has a (...)
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    Brain Network Oscillations During Gait in Parkinson’s Disease.Doris D. Wang & Julia T. Choi - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Tennant’s Conjecture for Self-Referential Paradoxes and its Classical Counterexample.Seungrak Choi - 2021 - Korean Journal of Logic 1 (24):1-30.
    In his paper, “On paradox without self-reference”, Neil Tennant proposed the conjecture for self-referential paradoxes that any derivation formalizing self-referential paradoxes only generates a looping reduction sequence. According to him, the derivation of the Liar paradox in natural deduction initiates a looping reduction sequence and the derivation of the Yablo's paradox generates a spiral reduction. The present paper proposes the counterexample to Tennant's conjecture for self-referential paradoxes. We shall show that there is a derivation of the Liar paradox which generates (...)
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  29. Can Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem be a Ground for Dialetheism?Seungrak Choi - 2017 - Korean Journal of Logic 20 (2):241-271.
    Dialetheism is the view that there exists a true contradiction. This paper ventures to suggest that Priest’s argument for Dialetheism from Gödel’s theorem is unconvincing as the lesson of Gödel’s proof (or Rosser’s proof) is that any sufficiently strong theories of arithmetic cannot be both complete and consistent. In addition, a contradiction is derivable in Priest’s inconsistent and complete arithmetic. An alternative argument for Dialetheism is given by applying Gödel sentence to the inconsistent and complete theory of arithmetic. We argue, (...)
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  30. Purely Dispositional Worlds.Sungho Choi - unknown
    In this paper I will discuss Richard Holton’s defence of dispositionalism that all properties are essentially dispositional. By way of countering the objection that dispositionalism generates an infinite regress, Holton attempts to advance a consistent model of possible worlds where all truths are dispositional truths. But I will argue that the simple conditional analysis of dispositions, on which Holton’s model is built, is so mistaken that Holton’s model fails to serve his goal. What is more, it is not likely that (...)
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  31. Looking With Fresh Eyes Across Time and Space: Europe from a Confucian Perspective.Kee Il Choi - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (190):22-32.
    The most valuable finding of my first sightseeing trip was that medieval Europe was the seat of Christendom and that Christianity defines the West. I was amazed to see that Europe reveals so much of its past. I had not had such an experience in the United States, where I had lived as a student and then as a professor of economics.As I glimpsed the West, I found myself rediscovering Confucian civilization and how much I am still Confucian, although I (...)
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  32. Study: People Literally Feel Pain of Others.Charles Q. Choi - unknown
    The condition, known as mirror-touch synesthesia, is related to the activity of mirror neurons, cells recently discovered to fire not only when some animals perform some behavior, such as climbing a tree, but also when they watch another animal do the behavior. For "synesthetes," it's as if their mirror neurons are on overdrive.
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    Re-Imagining Theological Reflection on God from the Context of Korean Women.Choi Hee An - 2008 - Feminist Theology 16 (3):350-364.
    When Western Christianity came to Asia, it merged with Eastern religions and histories and developed very differently in different places. Today Asian women in each country build up very unique images of God. They practice Eastern forms of worship and liturgical rites, and do indigenized theologies. They simultaneously try to find their own ways of naming, imaging, believing in and communicating with their own God. Korean Christianity has inherited many images of God from Western Christian doctrines and theologies. However, when (...)
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  34. Do categorical ascriptions entail counterfactual conditionals&quest.Sungho Choi - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (220):495-503.
    Stephen Mumford, in his book on dispositions, argues that we can distinguish between dispositional and categorical properties in terms of entailing his 'conditional conditionals', which involve the concept of ideal conditions. I aim at defending Mumford's criterion for distinguishing between dispositional and categorical properties. To be specific, no categorical ascriptions entail Mumford's 'conditional conditionals'.
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    The ‘Psychological Dynamics’ for Sentiments: Seeing Confucian Emotions through Hume’s Analysis.Dobin Choi - 2021 - Australasian Philosophical Review 5 (4):396-404.
    In this paper, I examine the notion of the ‘psychological dynamics’ that Professor Shun uses for explicating Confucian moral anger, based on David Hume’s (1711–76) psychological account of mind, to reconsider the role that object-based distinctions of emotions play in the Confucian moral tradition. First, by appealing to Hume’s investigation of the mental processes involved in feeling moral sentiments, I suggest that imagination, as a component in the ‘psychological dynamics’, explains how ‘dust’ settles on the mind to yield inappropriate emotional (...)
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    Kant’s Critique of Taste: The Feeling of Life by Katalin Makkai (review).Yoon Choi - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (3):509-511.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant’s Critique of Taste: The Feeling of Life by Katalin MakkaiYoon ChoiKatalin Makkai. Kant’s Critique of Taste: The Feeling of Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. viii + 209. Hardback, $99.99. Paperback, $29.99.This monograph offers a bold and original interpretation of Kant’s theory of reflective judgment, focusing on judgments of taste (hereafter “aesthetic judgments”) and the special problem that Kant takes such judgments to raise. In Makkai’s (...)
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    A Critical Note on Claude Panaccio’s Ockham on Concepts (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004. xi + 197 pp.).Philip Choi - 2014 - Philosophical Analysis 31:203-213.
    In his book Ockham on Concepts, Claude Panaccio suggests a strong externalist interpretation (SE) of Ockham’s view on perceptual content. I argue that his SE is in conflict with his another interpretation of Ockham’s view on conceptual similitude.
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    Reimagining the moral life: on Lisa Sowle Cahill's contributions to Christian ethics.Ki Joo Choi, Sarah Moses & Andrea Vicini (eds.) - 2020 - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
    This volume honors Lisa Cahill's 45 years of teaching Christian ethics at Boston College. With contributions from most of the doctoral students she directed during her career, it provides an interpretive overview of Cahill's specific contributions to Christian ethics.
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    Transcendental Phenomenology and the Way to Happiness: Husserl’s Reply to Csikszentmihalyi.Kyeong-Seop Choi - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (2):126-138.
    ABSTRACTIt is an unprecedented task to interpret Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology as a fundamental philosophy of happiness. Although happiness has been discussed in many psychologies, Csikszentmihalyi’s positive psychology defines happiness as “flow”, a psychic state of ongoing immersion guided by intrinsic motivations and rewards. In this paper, I interpret our transcendental consciousness as a radical “flow” maker and claim that in our transcendental life, happiness is what we ourselves are. Then, I propose this not only as an appeal to a change (...)
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    The role of perception in Jonathan Edwards's moral thought: The nature of true virtue reconsidered.Ki Joo Choi - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (2):269-296.
    This essay provides an interpretation of Jonathan Edwards's moral thought that calls attention to the motif of perception in his conception of true virtue. The aim is to illumine the extent to which Edwards's virtue ethics can be included in and contribute to prevailing approaches to virtue in contemporary theological ethics. To advance this proposal, this essay attends to the question of moral agency that Edwards's reflections on charity, the new spiritual sense, and religious affections raise. This procedure offers an (...)
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    Economic Policy Uncertainty and Sectoral Trading Volume in the U.S. Stock Market: Evidence from the COVID-19 Crisis.Dohyun Pak & Sun-Yong Choi - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-15.
    We empirically analyze the impact of economic uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic on the trading volume of each sector in the S&P 500 index. Wavelet coherence analysis is carried out using economic policy uncertainty data and the trading volume of each sector in the S&P 500 index from July 2004 to September 2020. Furthermore, we apply multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis to the trading volume series of all sectors. The wavelet coherence analysis shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has substantially influenced (...)
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    A Brief Mindfulness-Based Family Psychoeducation Intervention for Chinese Young Adults With First Episode Psychosis: A Study Protocol.Herman Hay-Ming Lo, Wing-Chung Ho, Elsa Ngar-Sze Lau, Chun-Wai Lo, Winnie W. S. Mak, Siu-Man Ng, Samuel Yeung-Shan Wong, Jessica Oi-Yin Wong, Simon S. Y. Lui, Cola Siu-Lin Lo, Edmund Chiu-Lun Lin, Man-Fai Poon, Kong Choi & Cressida Wai-Ching Leung - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  43. Causes and probability-raisers of processes.Sungho Choi - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (1):81 – 91.
    Schaffer proposes a new account of probabilistic causation that synthesizes the probability-raising and process-linkage views on causation. The driving idea of Schaffer's account is that, although an effect does not invariably depend on its cause, a process linked to the effect does. In this paper, however, I will advance counterexamples to Schaffer's account and then demonstrate that Schaffer's possible responses to them do not work. Finally, I will argue that my counterexamples suggest that the driving idea of Schaffer's account is (...)
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    Avoiding the Swine.Jee Won Choi - 2021 - Stance 14 (1):115-123.
    What constitutes a good life? A hedonist’s answer to this question is rather simple— more pleasure, less pain. While hedonism was previously a widely accepted belief, it now suffers from several crucial objections. A challenge particularly vexing to hedonists is the Philosophy of Swine: could it be possible that our lives may be less than that of a theoretical swine? In this essay, I argue that lifetime hedonism, the view of hedonism concerned with one’s total lifelong well-being, does not survive (...)
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    The Practical Utility on Zhu zi’s Understanding 『大學』 ‘NengLu〔能慮〕’.Bo-Kyung Choi - 2020 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 53:93-120.
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    The calling 〔召命意識〕 of Shi 〔士〕 on Yulgok’s Gyeongyeon Ilgi 〔經筵日記〕.Bokyung Choi - 2021 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 55:97-122.
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    The Examination of Dalai Lama's Propagation Theory.DongSoon Choi - 2009 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 26:269-303.
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    Virtue Reformed: Rereading Jonathan Edwards's Ethics.Ki Joo Choi - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (1):213-215.
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    The Interplay Between Private and Public Regulations: Evidence from ISO 14001 Adoption Among Chinese Firms.Wenlong He, Wei Yang & Seong-jin Choi - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (2):477-497.
    Extant studies on private regulation have not reached a sufficient understanding about the interplay between private and public regulations, due to underdeveloped theoretical framework and the lack of large-sample empirical investigations. Leveraging ISO 14001 adoption among Chinese firms as the research context, the current research draws on the institutional theory to examine how firm’s adoption of ISO 14001 standard, as a specific form of private regulation, affects the incidence of public environmental inspections. To test our arguments, we conduct two empirical (...)
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  50. Moral Growth Mindset is Associated with Change in Voluntary Service Engagement.Hyemin Han, Youn-Jeng Choi, Kelsie J. Dawson & Changwoo Jeong - 2018 - PLoS ONE 8 (13):e0202327.
    Incremental implicit theories are associated with a belief regarding it is possible to improve one’s intelligence or ability through efforts. Previous studies have demonstrated that incremental implicit theories contributed to better academic achievement and positive youth development. Our study aimed to examine whether incremental implicit theories of morality significantly influenced change in students’ engagement in voluntary service activities. In our study, 54 Korean college students for Study 1 and 180 Korean 8th graders for Study 2 were recruited to conduct two (...)
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